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#1 2023-09-08 16:54:52
- Ian_Abbott
- Member
- Registered: 2021-12-17
- Posts: 16
Victoria 30 Anchor Locker
As I removed my Anchor chain last week I discovered that the anchor chain locker has a good bucketful of sea water in it. It does not drain out! Is this locker meant to be sealed like this? If so any ideas on how to keep it dry? Has anyone solved this by putting a drain hole at the bottom? Any comments or experiences very welcome.
#2 2023-09-09 12:24:40
- Richard_Saunders
- Committee Member
- Registered: 2011-06-09
- Posts: 29
Re: Victoria 30 Anchor Locker
Hi Ian, on our V30, built ca. 1990, the anchor locker drains through the boat in the bilge to the bilge sump under the engine. No water collects in the anchor locker.
#3 2023-09-10 01:06:49
- Bill_Robinson
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- From: Langkawi, Malaysia
- Registered: 2021-06-14
- Posts: 109
Re: Victoria 30 Anchor Locker
That is what I expected, as it is what I have on my Frances 26. Possibly the tube is blocked with something.
You could try blowing through the drain tube using an inflatable dinghy pump. Alternatively you could try flushing the tube using a water hose.
#4 2023-09-10 09:14:31
- Ian_Abbott
- Member
- Registered: 2021-12-17
- Posts: 16
Re: Victoria 30 Anchor Locker
Thankyou I will make a closer inspection from both sides of the bulk head and sort it out.
#5 2023-09-11 21:33:57
- Simon_Dewing
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- From: Torquay / Texas
- Registered: 2022-08-04
- Posts: 63
Re: Victoria 30 Anchor Locker
Some pics from Sabbatical :-
Forepeak drains through a limber hole at the 'point' of the bulkhead into the locker below the berth (used as chain locker as I have a windlass fitted). It can just be seen in the photo beneath the hawse pipe in the photo below.
and from the other side
That locker also drains down and aft into the bilge
Hope that shows you where to look.
It is possible to seal the bulkhead and drain it through the hull.
Mithril (our F26) was built this way.
You can just see the stainless steel shroud covering the drain hole in this pic.
There is no access to the forepeak inside the boat just a waterproof hatch on the foredeck.
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