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#1 2015-10-15 06:33:12

Registered: 2003-11-23
Posts: 162

Frances 26 – GRAYLING

For those aficionado’s of classic boats who are looking to make a first class purchase of a Frances 26, built by Victoria Marine, they need to look no further than GRAYLING whom is for sale by John Champion

GRAYLING is owned by Clare Raby, and is berthed near Bristol.  When purchased by her husband Mike in 2012 she was sound and clearly had potential, but would need an awful lot of work to bring her back to a condition which would meet his requirements.  The story of that transformation was included in the April 2015 edition of Practical Boat Owner.  Mike’s article followed one by David Harding, in the March edition which discusses, and illustrates, the long keel, appealing lines, big boat feel, and surprisingly roomy interior incorporated within the Frances 26, which makes her such a sought-after second hand buy.

It is a testament to this design that originally Chuck Paine drew the Frances 26 double-ender for his own use as a small ocean voyager, a task which they have shown themselves adept at including current participation in the Jester Challenges.

Jon Spencer
Victoria Shadow Association
Chairman Yachts


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