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#1 2021-05-23 13:18:00
- Tim_Aspden
- Member
- From: Dartmouth, Devon
- Registered: 2021-05-22
- Posts: 6
Phainopepla, Victoria 30
I am a new member and have recently acquired Phainopepla (we will probably rename her), a Victoria 30 in rather sad condition. The survey reveals that underneath she is a sound boat and I'm looking forward to restoring her in time to relaunch her on the Dart next spring.
She was previously known as Victoria of Lymington and I believe she may have been Victoria 30 number 1. If anyone can substantiate this please let me know.
I'm sure I will be seeking technical advice re her restoration. She currently has an aftermarket in-mast furling system with a Maxi Roach mainsail, jammed, which will I will remove with the intention of installing a new main with a stack pack. The engine, currently a Yanmar 2gm 13hp model will also be replaced, probably with a Beta 20. If anyone has done this I'd love to hear from them.
The other major issue is that her rudder is showing movement on the rudder stock so it will have to come out and be split to remedy this. Again advice on removing the rudder, she has wheel steering, would be much appreciated.
In the meantime I will record my progress and keep members updated on progress and look forward to meeting other owners in the future.
#2 2021-05-24 06:19:32
- Jon_Spencer
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- Registered: 2003-11-23
- Posts: 162
Re: Phainopepla, Victoria 30
Welcome to the Association and I look forward to following your restoration project. You might have already trawled through the back copies of Waterlines which cover a 40 year period of members' boats, with some technical articles and cruise reports. All editions are available through the "publications" section on the Association's Website "Homepage". The details are not linked to any smart search capability, but there is an index of the major technical articles in the latest edition.
Good luck with the restoration.
#3 2021-05-24 08:07:20
- Richard_Saunders
- Committee Member
- Registered: 2011-06-09
- Posts: 29
Re: Phainopepla, Victoria 30
Hi Tim,
I recall seeing Phainopepla in Darthaven Marina during my last visit to the area a couple of years ago. As you say, she was looking rather uncared for but underneath the exterior first impressions Victorias are solidly built and I am sure you will have a great boat after your restoration work. As Jon has said there is plenty of information available online on our website posted by people who have done all sorts of 'projects' on our boats and if what you want isn't there then I am sure you will get responses from other owners to any questions you have. It would be good if you could document the work you do, along with photographs to post on the website at a later date.
I am the South Coast Regional Organiser for our Association and as such arrange occaisional rallies for Victoria yachts in the Solent area. These usually attract yachts based from Lymington to Chichester, where I keep my Vic 30, Wynn. There is no equivalent, as yet, in the South West but there are many Victoria owners in your area, the locations and contact information for whom you can find from the Assoiciation Handbook.
I hope your restoration work goes well and will look out for updates as your work progresses. I'm sure you will be more than pleased with the end result.
#4 2021-05-24 20:34:48
- Duncan_Hill
- Committee Member
- From: Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
- Registered: 2017-03-14
- Posts: 153
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Re: Phainopepla, Victoria 30
She was previously known as Victoria of Lymington and I believe she may have been Victoria 30 number 1. If anyone can substantiate this please let me know.
I cannot substantiate that boat number, but I can supply that in … g_2000.pdf, Victoria of Lymington is mentioned in the obituary of Dr. Alan Stewart. If I find any other details that might substantiate your belief, I'll comment
Edit: She shows up in … r_2002.pdf, and this article mentions the in-mast furling, and the rename of the yacht to Phainopepla. Alas, no mention of hull number.
Last edited by Duncan_Hill (2021-05-24 20:54:02)
Victoria 34 Cutter - 'Blue Opal' (the non-bowsprit edition)
#5 2021-05-25 17:27:23
- Tim_Aspden
- Member
- From: Dartmouth, Devon
- Registered: 2021-05-22
- Posts: 6
Re: Phainopepla, Victoria 30
Many thanks for your replies. I received my first copy of Waterlines in this mornings post and was very impressed. I shall be consulting various articles during the renovation.
I have not been able to find a hull number yet but it was interesting to see the story posted by her previous owner, Tony Burrows, relating to his purchase and maiden voyage. It looks like I've bought an excellent boat!
#6 2021-05-30 08:13:08
- Richard_Saunders
- Committee Member
- Registered: 2011-06-09
- Posts: 29
Re: Phainopepla, Victoria 30
The hull number on my Vic 30, Wynn, is on the port quarter just under the toe rail right at the stern. It is on a very small 'non-shiney' patch and is very easily missed. The number on Wynn is simply shown as 49/91. 91 refers to 1991, the year she was built but exactly what the 49 refers to I am not sure!
I hope this might help.
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