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#1 2022-05-04 10:30:07
- Richard_Saunders
- Committee Member
- Registered: 2011-06-09
- Posts: 29
VSA South Coast Early Summer Rally: 10th - 12th June 2022
Our first South Coast Rally this year is due to take place over the weekend of 10th - 12th June and will be based in Portsmouth Harbour. We will meet up initially during Friday in Gosport Marina (a Premier Marina) situated just inside the entrance of Portsmouth Harbour on the west side.
On Saturday a short cruise will be organised depending on the weather and wind conditions at the time. This will give us a chance to sail together and take photographs of our yachts under sail which we will be able to share later. We will return to Portsmouth in the afternoon but this time we will go up through the harbour to Port Solent Marina (another Premier Marina). After pre-dinner drinks we will head off to “O Sole Mio”, an Italian restaurant just along the boardwalk from the yachts, where I have made a preliminary booking. We will need to pre-order our meals and so a menu will be circulated beforehand to those attending.
I will book berths for all participating yachts in both of the marinas that we will use over the weekend. If you would like to attend could you please give me
the name and length of the boat you will be on,
a phone number which you can be contacted on during the weekend and
the names of the people attending.
Also, please let me know if you would like to stay in either marina for any nights other than Friday in Gosport and Saturday in Port Solent.
This event is open to all VSA members, not just those who sail on the South Coast. If you cannot come by boat you are, of course, still very welcome to join us in Port Solent for drinks and the evening meal. In this case please let me know the names of who will be attending. Plenty of free parking is available.
I will contact everyone wishing to attend with further details and menu choices nearer the time.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Richard Saunders
VSA South Coast Organiser