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#1 2022-07-04 16:54:42

Committee Member
Registered: 2017-08-10
Posts: 162

Why choose a cutter? (Practical Boat Owner #275 - from November 1989)

I came across an old article in another old copy of Practical Boat Owner #275 (November 1989) entitled "Why choose a cutter?". I contacted the PBO editorial team to see if I could post the article within the 'Victoria and Frances Yachts Facebook Group' and of course the Victoria and Shadow Owner's Association. They didn't say that I could, but did advise that they would upload the article to their web site, which they did. I do have the actual article too of course.
The article discusses the merits of cutter versus sloop rig and of course Victoria yachts. A nice little read. smile … acht-72064

Victoria 34 Cutter - 'Anitra'


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