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#1 2021-11-02 19:14:46

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Holding tank for V800

Can anyone advise on fitting a holding tank?  I reckon it will shortly become a requirement in the Solent and possibly other congested areas. My heads is aft to Starboard and there is a shallow wet locker on the aft bulkhead which looks ideal if a bit tight, especially as the waste out seacock is at the bottom of the wet locker and I am struggling to find a tank to fit.

Last edited by Murray_Fraser (2021-11-03 22:44:40)

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#2 2021-11-13 10:07:49

Committee Member
From: Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
Registered: 2017-03-14
Posts: 153

Re: Holding tank for V800

I can't advise on a V800, but I can at least suggest that Tek Tanks might be a starting point for getting a holding tank that fits the boat (there are probably alternatives, but TT is the one I'm aware of).

Victoria 34 Cutter - 'Blue Opal' (the non-bowsprit edition)


#3 2021-11-14 01:42:18

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Thanks Duncan, I looked at TT and their smallest vertical gravity might fit in my heads wet locker but would prevent access to the outlet stopcock.  Same goes for Jabsco and Vetus.  Also fitting a vent looks impossible.  There would have been space in starboard cockpit ocker but I already have my hot water tank in there on the bulkhead.  I am hoping someone out there with a V26/F26 or V800 with aft heads has achieved what looks to be a real challenge!

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#4 2021-11-15 11:45:30

Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 161

Re: Holding tank for V800

RM69 do a 25l buffer tank which fits around the pan -

Not aware that Jabsco make similar.

No idea how well it works in practice.


#5 2021-12-07 18:00:35

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Thanks Jonathan.  Not enough space.

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#6 2021-12-21 17:42:40

Registered: 2017-05-26
Posts: 42

Re: Holding tank for V800

Hi Murray,
Just seen this pop up in PBO this month.
Worth a look at ? … 11-_-25363



#7 2021-12-21 21:51:52

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Thanks for this Kevin.  I have just had a look online.  Two issues need further examination.  First I note that this is a fresh water system which may be a bit of a challenge in terms of sufficient fresh water storage; but don't see why I could not use sea water.  Second I am not sure if there is sufficent width to fit this onto a flat surface; I could fashion a raised platform but I suspect I lack height in the Heads compartment.
Certainly worth talking to them to discuss the sea water use and of course price.  I'll feed back what I learn.

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#8 2023-02-10 20:12:49

From: Torquay / Texas
Registered: 2022-08-04
Posts: 63

Re: Holding tank for V800


Just noticed this post and not sure if you ever found an answer.
Its very dependent on your layout but:-

Mithril (My F26) has aft head on starboard side.
She was built with 2 custom (~50l) stainless steel water tanks beneath the galley sink and beneath the settee berth/navigators seat opposite.
The starboard one has been converted to a holding tank with an extraction pump in the base of the wet locker between the chart table and the head. (see picture).
The (now) holding tank sits directly beneath the navigators seat and takes up about 1/2 of the available space.


The only way to empty the tank is at sea with the pump.
If you want to go this route I have dimensional drawings of both the tanks but unfortunately in UK I wont be back there until May but can copy for you at that point.

Sabbatical (my V30) uses a Vetus flexible tank also beneath the starboard settee but at the fwd end, as the head is forward of the main bulkhead.
I have a manual pump to empty at sea (with diverter valve) and a deck fitting for use with a vacuum extractor in a marina.
I don't have photo's of this set up with me, but can get them for you in a couple of weeks if that helps.

Had Mithril not already been fitted with a holding tank, I would be looking to install a similar set up into her.
Flex tanks are much easier to get into confined and oddly shaped spaces.
Obvious choice of location would be the forward end of the large/ deep cockpit locker just aft the head, with some sort of plywood barrier to stop the tank being punctured and both deck and manual pump options to empty.
I have been idly considering this modification to get her water capacity back up to 100l. smile




#9 2023-02-11 21:55:25

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Many thanks Simon, no I have got nowhere with this task and I had not seen this article.  Sadly I have no space under starboard bunk as this houses a custom fitted second battery and forward of that my log.  As indicated a tank in the starboard cockpit locker makes sense but I have my hot water tank there. I will keep thinking about a day.

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#10 2023-02-24 12:06:34

Registered: 2004-03-18
Posts: 57

Re: Holding tank for V800

Murray can we not fit one just behind the heads on the bulkhead, the other side of the calorifier ?  I've not explored the options but surely that's the ideal location ?


#11 2023-02-24 22:32:06

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Leon, agree.  Issue is height...would need to cut away part of bulkhead will show photo when I go to boat next week.

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


#12 2023-10-08 13:36:05

Registered: 2004-03-18
Posts: 57

Re: Holding tank for V800

Hi Murray.  Did you get anywhere with this ?  Leon


#13 2023-10-09 18:54:27

From: Weymouth
Registered: 2016-11-22
Posts: 87

Re: Holding tank for V800

Hi, Leon. No stalled at present.  I am not keen on flexible tanks for waste, risk of leak too high. The only way I can see is to cut away bulkhead behind heads.  Currently there is a gap between this bulkhead and the one fotwatd of the starboard cockpit locker where my calorifier sits.  However the work involved is beyond me and I cannot justify yard costs.  Possible alternative is custom made V shaped tank aft and below my calorifier.  This would need its own electric pump as beliw heads and manual not practical.  Same issue applies and only worth it if it becomes a requirement in UK.  Best alternative I have seen was the use of incontinent bags that fit over the toilet seat and are designed to be tied shut after use and disposed of as and when.  Not tried....yet....but seems very practical cheap and whilst not cheerful a rather (in)elegant solution. hmm

VICTORIA 800 Dulcibella


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