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#1 2011-03-13 22:14:15
- Admin
- Kraken
- From: Dublin Bay
- Registered: 2011-02-24
- Posts: 333
Cowes 2008
The South Coast Rally to Cowes and The Island Sailing Club, organised by Jerry Bottrill
Saturday and Sunday, 17th and 18th May
'Moonfleet of Hoo', our Chairman's Victoria 34 was an early arrival. She is seen here with her distinctive light blue hull lying alongside the pontoon.
John and Janet Williams sailed 'Calva' to the rally and elected to lie alongside 'Moonfleet' ready for an early departure the following day.
John and Janet only joined the Association in March this year and we were delighted they decided to attend.
'Calva' has, until recently, been moored in the Walton Backwaters and many East Coast members will recognise her. Her new home is at Emsworth in Chichester Harbour.
Also moored alongside the pontoon were the Frances 26, 'Felicity' and the Victoria 30, 'Tracker'.
Outside 'Tracker' is 'Cadenza', the Morris 34 belonging to our Treasurer, John Cade.
John was kind enough to offer 'Cadenza' as the host boat for our pre-dinner get together with Jerry, on 'Tracker', offering to accept any overspill should 'Cadenza' not be able to cope with 17! In the event, 'Cadenza' coped admirably.
As you can see from these photographs, the weather was not perfect but better than the earlier forecast that had predicted heavy rain. Light drizzle, for a short while, soon gave way to dry but overcast.
The bowsprit of Frances 34, 'Albertine', alongside the pontoon, then Victoria 34, 'Que Sera' and finally the Frances 26, 'Grace Darling' complete the complement of eight Victoria Yachts.
Snug between 'Grace Darling' and 'Albertine' is 'Que Sera', as seen over the fore-deck of 'Tracker'.
Sue Doyle, pictured below, keeps 'Que Sera' in Ashlett Creek, which can be a little short of water even at high water springs. Sue had only just managed to escape from the mud!
'Que Sera' will not be returning to the mud for a while. After the rally, they were heading west for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly before turning south to Biscay and possibly Spain. We look forward to receiving the reports.
Standing on the pontoon alongside 'Tracker' is Jerry Bottrill, who kindly stepped in to organise this year's event as we had no South Coast Regional Organiser at the time. We should all like to thank him for his excellent efforts.
Roy Dawkins, our previous South Coast Regional Organiser still managed to put in an appearance on Felicity along with his crew Lynn and Alf.
Roy's Victoria Shadow Association rugby shirt looks particularly fine.
A visit from the Harbourmaster at Shephard's Marina produced a flurry of activity, when it was announced that the wind was expected to increase to Force 7 at around midnight and might back to the North. Dawn and Janet discuss the news and John, on the right prepares to put out shore lines, while Dick Walters takes one end of a very long shore line aboard 'Cadenza'.
I will apologise, at this stage, for failing to capture any images of Richard and Angela Jones aboard 'Grace Darling'. They are also very new members having joined in February this year and we were very pleased to see them at the rally. Also conspicuous by their absence from these photographs so far are Jon and Lynda Spencer from 'Albertine'.
At six o'clock we all moved aboard 'Cadenza', where your photographer was offered numerous glasses of wine to the detriment of the following images!
In due course, we all set off for The Island Sailing Club where we enjoyed a splendid meal in the best of company. The forecast strong winds never materialised and the following day was bright and sunny. We conclude with a few pictures of 'Moonfleet of Hoo' and 'Cadenza' departing.
Thank you, Jerry.
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