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#1 2011-09-28 14:58:39

From: Dublin Bay
Registered: 2011-02-24
Posts: 333

Shadow Rally to Windsor 2008

The rally organised by our Chairman Motor-cruisers, Dave Probert, was set to break all records with five Shadow 26's expected to attend. Unfortunately, the chosen date of Saturday, 13th September was preceded by days of heavy rain that left the river in flood. Red boards were displayed on many of the locks upstream of Windsor. A decision was needed and just a day before the rally it was decided that the boats would not be able to reach the rally site. The crews could, and did, still turn up for a splendid Greek dinner at the Latino Taverna in Windsor.

Boats that were expected and their crew members
White Rose of York - Dave, Angela, Sam and Georgina
Cascade III - George and Gloria
Jolly Olly - Peter and Carol
Rebwelly - Paul and Patsy
Heavenly Daze - John and Gill

Visiting yachtsmen and other guests
Brian and Dawn, Roy and Freida, Peter and Jenny

Pre-dinner drinks at Browns

Gloria, Peter, George and John

Carol, Freida and Angela

John, Peter, Gill and Roy

Sam, Dave and Jenny

Dinner at the Latino Taverna

Dawn and Brian

Freida and Roy

Angela, Dave and Patsy

Thank you, Dave, for a great night out. Better luck with the weather next time.


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