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#1 2019-10-01 09:25:00
- Jon_Spencer
- Member
- Registered: 2003-11-23
- Posts: 162
Annual General Meeting and Luncheon
Sunday 24th November 2019
Linden House, 60-62 Upper Mall, London, W6 9TA
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Victoria Shadow Association will be held at 14.30 on Sunday 24th November 2019 at Linden House, Hammersmith, which is a charming four-storey riverside property currently, used as a sailing and rowing clubhouse. Located beside the River Thames and a ten minutes’ walk from Hammersmith Bridge or Ravenscourt Park tube stations. By car access is via Oil Mill Lane, and parking is very limited.
The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:
1. Welcome from the Chairmen
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Election of Officers of the Association
6. Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts
7. Secretary’s and Handbook Report
8. Website Report and Resignation of Website Editor
9. Waterlines Report
10. Regional Reports from the Thames, South Coast, and East Coast
11. Presentation of Trophies
12. Any Other Business for Discussion
13. Closing Remarks by the Chairman Yachts
Members wishing to attend the AGM should contact the Honorary Secretary by e-mail at or by phone 01489 581622, prior to Friday 8th November 2019. Those who wish to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf at the AGM should notify the Honorary Secretary by the same date. Members who wish to propose an additional item to the Agenda should inform the Honorary Secretary with the proposal before Friday 18th October 2019, together with the name of the Member seconding the proposal, and a short brief that can be distributed to all Members prior to the AGM.
Prior to the Annual General Meeting members may assemble in the first-floor bar and luncheon will be served in the Commodore’s Room. Timings are as follows:
12:00 Assemble in the bar overlooking the River Thames for coffee or drinks and to purchase wine for lunch.
13:00 Move to the Commodore’s Room for lunch.
14:30 Move to the Captain’s Room, on the ground floor for coffee, and the Annual General Meeting.
16:00 The meeting should be brought to a close.
Election of Officers of the Association
All officers of the Association, who also make up the Committee, hold office for one year only and are re-elected at the Annual General Meeting. The following officers have agreed to serve for a further term if elected:
Chairman Yachts
Jon Spencer
Chairman Motor Boats
Ian Rycroft
Honorary Secretary
(Richard Brown has volunteered to fill the post)
Honorary Treasurer
John Cade
Website Editor
(Volunteer required)
Journal Editor
Ian Rycroft
South Coast Regional Organiser
Richard Saunders
East Coast Regional Organiser
(Volunteer required)
Handbook Editor
Lynda Spencer
Proposed by Jon Spencer and Seconded by Richard Saunders that Richard Brown be elected as Honorary Secretary to take over from Jon Spencer.
The posts of Website Editor, and East Coast Organiser remain unfilled, and for which volunteers are required.
Members wishing to fill either of the above posts should be nominated and seconded by a Member, and the nomination notified to the Honorary Secretary, Jon Spencer, either by phone 01489 581622, e-mail or by post to 51B Newtown Road, Warsash, SO31 9FY, by Friday 18th October 2019. There are also two “casual vacancies” available which members might consider filling to enable them to experience the working of the Committee prior to committing themselves to any specific post.
Luncheon Options
Tomato, Mozzarella and Avocado Stack with Pesto Dressing
Red Onion and Goats Cheese Tartlet
Pork Fillet with Mustard and Quince Sauce, Spinach and Mashed Potatoes
Pan Fried Fillet of Seabream with Ratatouille and Olive Oil Mash
Fig Frangipane Tart served with Crème Fresh
Banoffee Pie with Chocolate Curls
Coffee or tea will be served in the Captain’s Room at the beginning of the Annual General Meeting
Wine or other drinks for lunch can be purchased from the bar prior to moving to the Commodore’s Room for lunch.
Members wishing to attend the luncheon should contact the Honorary Secretary prior to Friday 18h October 2019, and express their menu preferences from the choices above by e-mail to or telephone 01489 581622. The cost of lunch will be £25 per head which can be paid to the Treasurer on the day.
#2 2019-11-08 14:53:59
- Jon_Spencer
- Member
- Registered: 2003-11-23
- Posts: 162
Spaces are still available for members who wish to attend the Association's Annual Luncheon at Linden House, Hammersmith, which precedes the Annual General Meeting. Details above.
Jon Spencer.
Pages: 1